Flagship initiative to participate in sustainable development and
realize the dream of "One World, One Sun, One Grid"
Green Mentorship Certification
The academia may register the aspiring students for Green Ambassador Program (Junior and Senior levels respectively) and nominate their institutes for Green Mentorship Program.
GREEN Score = Participation factor x Performance factor x Activity factor x 100
- Participation factor shall be derived from the the number of participants w.r.t. total student intake of the academia
- Performance factor shall be derived from the number of participants based upon their grades from the respective academia
- Activity factor shall be derived from the initiatives towards building the green campus and organizing awareness programs by the respective academia
GREEN Score and GREEN Grade including GREEN Ranking for all participating academia shall be published by SESI, followed by felicitation and awarding the certificates of appreciation to the respective academic institutions.
Nomination Fee will be charged separately to the Academia, willing to nominate their institutions for Green Mentorship Program.
Bio fuel
Ocean Waves
Category A
- GREEN Mentorship Awards & Certifications
- National & International level Recognitions
- Institutional Membership of SESI and all its benefits
- Green Grading & Scoring
- National & State-wise Green Ranking
- Brand Building Opportunity
- Higher Organization Spirit
Category B
- GREEN Mentorship Awards & Certifications
- National & International level Recognitions
- Institutional Membership of SESI and all its benefits
- Green Grading & Scoring
- National & State-wise Green Ranking
- Brand Building Opportunity
- Higher Organization Spirit
Category C
- GREEN Mentorship Awards & Certifications
- National & International level Recognitions
- Institutional Membership of SESI and all its benefits
- Green Grading & Scoring
- National & State-wise Green Ranking
- Brand Building Opportunity
- Higher Organization Spirit
Category A
- GREEN Mentorship Awards & Certifications
- National & International level Recognitions
- Green Grading & Scoring
- National & State-wise Green Ranking
- Brand Building Opprtunity
- Higher Organization Spirit
Category B
- GREEN Mentorship Awards & Certifications
- National & International level Recognitions
- Green Grading & Scoring
- National & State-wise Green Ranking
- Brand Building Opprtunity
- Higher Organization Spirit
Category C
- GREEN Mentorship Awards & Certifications
- National & International level Recognitions
- Green Grading & Scoring
- National & State-wise Green Ranking
- Brand Building Opprtunity
- Higher Organization Spirit
Sign Up for Green Mentorship Certification
The Past, Present & Future !
Solar Energy Society of India (SESI)
The Solar Energy Society of India (SESI), established in 1978, having its Secretariat in New Delhi, is the Indian Section of the International Solar Energy Society (ISES). Its interests cover all aspects of renewable energy, including characteristics, effects and methods of use, and it provides a common ground to all those concerned with the nature and utilization of this renewable non-polluting resource.
The Society is interdisciplinary in nature, with most of the leading energy researchers and manufacturers of renewable energy systems and devices of the country as its members. High academic attainments are not a prerequisite for membership and any person engaged in research, development or utilization of renewable energy or in fields related to renewable energy and interested in the promotion of renewable energy utilization can become a member of the society.
The major activities of SESI are:
(a) Publication of SESI Journal, a bi-annual technical journal containing papers on renewable energy utilization, technical notes and other items of interest of those involved in renewable energy research and development.
(b) Organization of the International Congress on Renewable Energy once in a year, where numerous scientific and technical papers are presented and discussed.
(c) Publication of the proceedings of the Annual Convention.
Solar Energy Society of India
2nd Floor, Central Board of Irrigation and Power (CBIP)
Malcha Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi – 110021
Mobile: +91 9355155772, E-mail: info@sesi.in
Frequently Asked Questions
GREEN Grade is representation of Green Score on the basis of grading.
GREEN Ranking is like a merit list on the basis of green score and Green Grade on a particular institute in that particular academic year.
- GREEN Mentorship Awards & Certifications
- National & International level Recognitions
- National & State-wise Green Ranking
- Institutional Membership of Solar Energy Society of India
- Green Grading & Scoring
- Higher Organization Spirit
- Brand Building Opportunity