Environmental Laws, Policies and Management
for Engineers, Industry Professionals, Consultants, Subject Matter Experts, Freelancers and Entrepreneurs
Exclusively @ ₹5,000 ₹1,500 only !
ENGGtalks® | Professionals
Protect our Environment and Planet with the power of Law
AI Powered Course Guide
Suggested Content
Problems, Exercises
Q&A, Doubt Clearance
Examples, Case Studies
Glossery of Key Terms
Key Takeaways
Topics Covered
- Introduction
- Importance of Environmental Law
- Environmental Pollution
- Types of Pollution
- Air Pollution Causes
- Water Pollution Causes
- Noise Pollution Causes
- Soil Pollution Causes
- Waste Pollution Causes
- Effects of Pollution
- Effects of Air Pollution
- Greenhouse Effect
- Global Warming
- Effects of Water Pollution
- Effect of Noise Pollution
- Acid Rain
- Some other pollution
- State Pollution Control Board Directory
- Control
- Act
- Rules
- Water Law
- Ganga River Basin
- Godavari
- Brahmaputra Board
- River Centric Urban Planning Guidelines
- Northern India Canal and Drainage Act
- Act
- Control
- WHO Noise Guidelines
- Control
- Forest (Conservation) Act and Rules
- Indian Forest Act
- National Green Tribunal Act
- The Biological Diversity Act
- The Public Liability Insurance Act
- Environment Protection Act
- Environment Protection Rules
- Responsibilities | The Ministry of the Environment
- Environmental Management Systems
- ISO 14001:2015
- ISO 14004:2016
- ISO 14006:2020
- ISO 14015:2022
- ISO 14020:2022
- ISO 14024:2018
- ISO 14021:2016
- ISO 14025:2006
- ISO 14031:2013
- Environmental Conventions and Protocols
- Kyoto Protocol
- List of Constitutional Articles | Environmental Laws
- Landmark Cases on Environment Legislation in India
- United Nations Conference
- The World Conservation Strategy
- Important International Environmental Agreements
- A Global Perspective on Environment Laws
- United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
- Ramsar Convention
- The Montreal Protocol
- Key Functions
- Environmental Compliance and Enforcement in India
- Q & A Forum
- Forest (Conservation) Act and Rules
- Indian Forest Act
- National Green Tribunal Act
- The Biological Diversity Act
- The Public Liability Insurance Act
- The Poison Act 1919
- The Orient Gas Company Act 1857
- The Mines Act 1952
- The Indian Boilers Act 1923
- The Explosives Act 1908
Takvir Singh Rathi
Sudhir Kumar Pandey
Gyan Singh
Mahendra Pal Singh
Rizwan Ahmad
K.S Bisht
Amlan Jyoti Mitra
Vikram Singh
Mintumoni Gogoi
Tapas Kumar Mandal
Arun Kumar Srivastav
Vinay Kumar Rai
Purushottam Sharma
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Frequently Asked Questions
This course will help to understand different aspects of environmental laws and guidelines which can be helpful for an individual or organization to protect the environment, minimize the impact on natural resources, reducing the environment pollution which will improve the reputation and gain a competitive advantage.
Industry Professionals, Entrepreneur, Consultants, Subject Matter Experts and Freelancer
This Program is a self-learning online Courseware which has been designed, developed by a team of consultants and veteran industry experts associated with ENGGtalks
Registered candidates can avail this course through their PC’s, Laptop, Tab & Samrtphones.
There is no fixed timeline for this course as it is an online self-learning course module.
No. There is no such exam or test .
No. There is no refund option available after registration except duplicate payment by the candidates.
Please check our Refund Policy
The payment mode is fully ONLINE. There is a link to the payment gateway in the online application form. The candidate can opt for any of the payment options listed over there. The additional charges (if any) such as service charges, processing fees or bank charges, have to be borne by the candidate.
All kind of online payment process is available. i.e. Debit card, Online banking, UPI, e-wallet etc.
Anyone can drop the course anytime but amount cannot be refundable.
Registered candidates may raise their quires/suggestions through mail which will be taken care by the experts at ENGGtalks platform to assist the candidate.
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- Login with your credential
- Click on "View" button under "Course Dashboard" option
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- Click on the respective course to start learning.
More than 75 hours.